Monday, September 10, 2012

HW 2 Music to your heart

Dispusiste tu corazón

Music to your heart, is what my great grandmother called this object when she gave it to me. I was about 11 years old and believed that I could be a professional singer one day. I remember the day she gave it to me. I had a jazz recital and it was late fall. I had just finished my first solo ever in my life and had so many emotions running through me. If you have ever performed on stage then you know what I am talking about. For those of you who have not, it is kind of like when you see something so extraordinary that it takes your breathe away. When the concert was over we had a little dinner at my house. Family members were congratulating me and it's strange because I do not even remember who they were or what they said. All I remember is what my grandmother gave me and said right after, "dispusiste tu corazón." This means set your heart. I knew what she meant and it brought tears to my eyes. That motto has always been glued to me and when I feel like I am losing grip of who I am, I just say dispusiste tu corazón Rebecca.

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