Sunday, September 23, 2012

Final master piece


The night is young

I just wanted to take the logo on this shirt.
All I did was cut out the logo and paste it on my final product.

Proud to be an American

Have no clue why I choose this flag, but my best guess is because it was soft and I found it in my attic.
I was in the zone when I deconstructed this flag so I appologize. What I did was cut the flag in strips and glued them all back together.

Christmas sock

Could not find the pair so used just this one.
You Dancer, prancer, comet and....
All I did was cut open the sock in half and unattached the top. My original plan was to cut the stripes of color apart, but it was difficult.

I just wrapped the rose in the christmas sock to give it support.

London shirt

There was no reason behind this shirt other than the texture, print and color.

I used this shirt as a bottom support stucture for my final product. I wanted as much support as possible so I folded the arms and the bottom of the shirt.

As you can see I placed the stuffing from the pillow onto the shirt. I used my hot glue gun to keep the stuffing attached together.

Easter wreath

I apologize for the picture. I did not flip this picture over.
I took apart the eggs and realized that they were glued on. I did not like the fact that their was material stuck to the objecct I wanted to use.

I ended up cutting of the head, sewing it back together and placing it in my final project.

Purple floral shirt

I choose this shirt because of the floral material you see in lighter purple.
The ruffle look this gives was amazing. I did try to take this apart but it was very difficult.
I just took the floral purple flowers and placed all around the clouds.

Saturday, September 22, 2012


I had a hard time trying to find a stuff figure to disassemble. I got this at Sonic with their kids meal.
I had to cut open the top to get to the threaded portion of this thing. 
I pulled the inside out to have a better look at the design. I found it rather difficult to try to pry apart the thread so I decided to leave it this way.
I used my superman as a concept. I call this Superman lost in the clouds.

Scarf deconstruction

As you can see there were 3 different color components on the scarf.
I decided to pull apart the 3 colors.
 Decided to make a snake with one of the pieces from the scarf.
Snake on a hill.

Glove deconstruction

I first split open the glove and then striped all the excess thread that was attached.
I ripped apart the glove into 4 parts. I was surprised to see that the thumb(the hole you see) came apart so easily.
You can see the glove at the very bottom of this picture. The glove is saying I love you.